Monday, November 29, 2010


We have had a lot to be greatful for this past year. As many of you know we have been threw the ringer of trials these past 3 years, but this Thanksgiving we have a light at the end of a really long tunnel. Gregg is now working full time at the cheese factory here. It's hard work, and long hours, but he's happy. We are greatful for a job, and for a great family that has litteraly supported us this past year as we have been without one.

MaKayla is doing well in school, and her behavior problems are slowly dissapering and she's starting to make friends. She is becomeing a very bright and charming little girl with the brains of her father and the toung of her mother.

Brenix is still struggling to talk, but the doctor's think they have finally nailed down the problem. They think he has something called Apraxia of Speech. It's when the connection between the brain and the mouth miss fire. So he can hear, and understand, but it's really hard for him to form what he hears into words. The good thing is that they started him on treatment for it, and he is improving by the week. It will take a long time, but it's something he can beat.

As for me I have a wonderful Heavenly Father who most deffenetly listens to prayers, and knows just how much i can handle, and is aware of what blessings i need when i most need them. I have a wonderful family, both in Twin Falls and in Blackfoot. I have a wonderful Aunt here in Twin that i am proud to say looks after me better then i do myself. I have 2 beautiful children that amaze me everyday, and a husband that loves me no matter what. Life is Very good. I love life up my little Miller lane.

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