Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great Family

So we wanted to get a family pic of us to send out in our Christmas cards this year. The cards got written, but we still hadn't taken any pictures. So we went and asked a "big" favor from Aunt Michele. See what you get.......

not too bad huh?

But as a side note, we took this about 3 days before Christmas. Needless to say no one got a card or a picture from us. So this will have to do. Hope you all had a great and fabulous Christmas!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Little Boomerang

This is Rebecca Ann (Aunt Michelle's and Uncle Dave's youngest)

Cute little booger huh?

We spent Thanksgiving with the Coleman family this year and ate up at Aunt Kathy's and Uncle Reed's house. Becca was my special friend during most of the evening. Within 5 min of getting there, she was handed to me. Which is fine we me, I love this little thing. Anyway, Becca would wiggle free and walk off to explore a little. But the funny thing was, she would only be gone for about 10 min before either she came back or someone was handing her back to me. I think i saw more of Becca then of my own kids this Thanksgiving (which suited them just fine, since they wanted to spend time with the other cousins and not their mom). Needless to say Becca is my little boomerang and i couldn't have been happier with it.


We have had a lot to be greatful for this past year. As many of you know we have been threw the ringer of trials these past 3 years, but this Thanksgiving we have a light at the end of a really long tunnel. Gregg is now working full time at the cheese factory here. It's hard work, and long hours, but he's happy. We are greatful for a job, and for a great family that has litteraly supported us this past year as we have been without one.

MaKayla is doing well in school, and her behavior problems are slowly dissapering and she's starting to make friends. She is becomeing a very bright and charming little girl with the brains of her father and the toung of her mother.

Brenix is still struggling to talk, but the doctor's think they have finally nailed down the problem. They think he has something called Apraxia of Speech. It's when the connection between the brain and the mouth miss fire. So he can hear, and understand, but it's really hard for him to form what he hears into words. The good thing is that they started him on treatment for it, and he is improving by the week. It will take a long time, but it's something he can beat.

As for me I have a wonderful Heavenly Father who most deffenetly listens to prayers, and knows just how much i can handle, and is aware of what blessings i need when i most need them. I have a wonderful family, both in Twin Falls and in Blackfoot. I have a wonderful Aunt here in Twin that i am proud to say looks after me better then i do myself. I have 2 beautiful children that amaze me everyday, and a husband that loves me no matter what. Life is Very good. I love life up my little Miller lane.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ok, so I'm behind the times.....

So, I'm really behind the times here, but i thought you guys might like to see some pictures from my sister's wedding.
Krysta! Beautiful!
This was at the temple. Check out that sneaker action going on!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Sacrilegious? You bet. Funny? Oh yeah.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This is MaKayla

This is Brenix

This is my Mom

This is me. See the family resemblance.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My kids plus a few more

I love spending time at Aunt Michele's house. Above is Miss Sarah. Sarah and Mak are usually inseparable. On most days Sarah will give me the biggest hugs. I love how in this picture it looks like she's using her banana as lipstick.
And then there's Thomas, or as i call him Tom Tom. Tom is my special friend. He loves to sit on my lap and look at all the pictures i take on my phone. He can name most of the people in the pictures. But don't let the sweet smile fool you, between him and Brenix...mischief and trouble rein.
Here's my sweet Cecily. One of my best baby sitters. If we could find the time her and i could sit for hours talking about everything from baby calf's to books that i think she'd get a kick out of. There are 3 more but i couldn't get their pictures. Mike, Kindy, and Becca. Great kids. But Gregg says if i spend much more time over there that I will probably have to start paying rent.

As for my kids they are still the coolest kids in the trees. You add all of these guys together and it proves that even though life is hard, there are still things in it that will always make you smile.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let's go fly a kite....

For Easter this year, Grandma and Grandpa (my parents) gave the kids kites. And on the first fine day that we had we had to try them out. MaKayla couldn't stop laughing, her Tinker Bell kite went the highest and after holding it for about 20 minets, she gave up and took a seat.
I love this picture you can just barely see Brenix's kite in the air, but the best part is what happened next. He let go. It was great to see Gregg run as fast as the could to grab it before it blew over the fence.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hair do?

MaKayla say's I look better this way. I told her that I loved her too!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tractor Fun

Life on the farm is always better when we get to play with the tractor. This has to be their favorite thing to do with Gregg.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Night

So we don't always get to be together as a family in the evenings, and it's a big deal when we are. I thought you guys would like to see what it's like.
Gregg makes a great horse, and the kids take full advantage of it.
But the best part is when Brenix gets his way and MaKayla has a chance to see what Dad feels like. We sure had a blast.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Birthday MaKayla

MaKayla is having her 5th birthday today. And is loving every minute of it. Grandpa and Aunt Kindra (aka Aunt Bob) came to see her this morning and that was awesome. 5 years sure do fly when your having fun.
This is MaKayla's Birthday cake. She wanted a princess cake and this is what i came up with. She is so excited. It great.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Brenix!

Brenix turned 3 yesterday. I can't believe it has been 3 years. He's such a happy and helpful little boy, but as most of you know he can't talk yet. But it's a new year and our one goal this year is to have him talking by his next birthday.
So this is the cake that I made for him. Brenix loves cars...well anything with wheels really. Anyway we had to take a picture because it didn't last long. Brenix love chocolate. He got some new Hot Wheels, a new shirt, and all the cake he could eat. All and all no too bad of a day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The coolest icicle ever

We have had the coolest snow storms in the past week. And when it all started to melt the snow started to melt off the roof and freeze like this. Now i know it's not all that original and everyone has seen this stuff before, but my kids loved it. And as MaKayla says "Wow, these are the coolest icicle's ever!"

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big week for Brenix

Brenix is not quite 3 yet and already he has started Pre-School! It was an early morning for both of us on Thursday, but we made the bus on time.
Don't let the pictures give you the idea that he was happy at all with the whole thing. Crying wasn't the word for the sounds coming out of him when he saw he was to ride on the bus, more like screaming bloody murder. But we survived to tell the tail and it will help him to learn how to talk we hope.
And as you can see from this badly taken picture Brenix also has a black and swollen right eye. How did this happen....I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that yesterday afternoon Brenix came screaming to me from the back end of the house holding his eye. MaKayla followed close behind, and when I asked her what happened all she said was "He was in my room" Great excuse for blacking your little brothers eye huh? So now they are both miserable, Brenix can't see out of the one side of his face and MaKayla can't play with Sara for a whole week. Can't get much more exciting then that.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun At Aunt Michele's

It was cousin Sara's Birthday last week and i took Mak and Sara out for lunch to celibrate. And for desert we went back to Aunt Michele's to have ice cream. And as you can see everyone had a good time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fun at home

With it still being cold outside, we have been spending a lot of time teaching Brenix new games. So far he picked up on duck,duck, goose, Red light Green light and hide and go seek. Not being able to say much that any of us can really understand, Brenix has put his own stile into the games. Duck duck goose is my personal favorite, it sounds like "Da Da Da Da Gooo!" It's a work in progress.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's back to school she goes!

After all the eggnog has been drunk, Christmas presents opened, and all the cousins played with, MaKayla is making her way back on the bus this morning and headed back to school. We have had a ton of fun the last few weeks with all of us being together all most all the time, but i must confess that a return to normality sounds kind of nice.