Sunday, December 7, 2008

Life up Miller Lane

Gregg is doing great at BMT (basic military training). He was allowed to call us on Thanksgiving, and said that he was fine and that he missed everyone and to tell you all hi from him. In his last letter, Gregg said that he was in what's called Group A, which means that he is one of the most physically fit people in his training unit. The down side is that he can't march worth beans, which means that he gets yelled at daily. But all and all, he's in good spirits. We are very blessed to have him making such a great sacrifice for our family.
Dad came to visit us this last week, and weather it was the fact that he was board, or just missed having things to do...he started to do all the projects I've been putting off. He fixed my front door so that we can't see daylight between the cracks anymore, and he showed me how to block off the swamp cooler right, so that it's not so cold back in MaKayla's room. Brenix got into the action too, he thought that screwdrivers make great drumsticks on the washer and dryer.
MaKayla kept me company while the men worked. She can hardly wait until Christmas.


Ila Hale said...

Your kids are growing so fast! It is always fun to check into your blog and see what is happening in your "neck of the woods". Sounds like things are going well with Gregg. We are sure it will be hard to have him gone for the holidays but hang in there! We are thinking of you.

Kindra Serr said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I'm so excited for Christmas too! We will have a blast!

Cox Family said...

Hey there Kayla, it's Lori from H.S. I found your blog from Ashlee's. I have a husband in the army too so let me know if you ever want to talk.