We had a blast this year. MaKayla insisted on being Sleeping Beauty, so Grandma went on the hunt and found the perfect pink dress for her. Only problem was that she gave Mak the dress a month before Halloween. But after a full 4 weeks of asking, MaKayla's patients paid off. She was the prettiest little primness at our wards trunk or treat.
And then there was Super Brenix! Poor kid wasn't so sure he liked the whole thing. But once he figured out there was candy involved, he got a lot happier. With all the chocolate he got, I'm surprised that he slept last night.
I love the Halloween Outfits! Poor Brenix that nose looks like it hurts!
I have the cutest niece and nephew ever! I didn't know you had a blog! I have one too! We could be blogging buddies!
Love Halloween! Don't tell my kids, but I finally threw out all of the Halloween candy that we had left this morning. One week of WAAAAY too much sugar is enough for this mom.
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